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Top 11 packaged snacks under 200 calories | Healthy snacks on the go

Top 11 packaged snacks under 200 calories | Healthy snacks on the go

packaged snacks under 200 calories quest bar

Last Updated on June 21, 2022 by Eve Dawes

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Healthy snacks on the go: Easy, quick, nutritious and non-perishable snacks to grab & go

Healthy, packaged snacks under 200 calories that are easy to take on the go to work or when you travel to keep your nutrition on track. Easy healthy snacks on the go can be hard to find especially healthy breakfast snacks on the go as they tend to be carbohydrate and fat heavy. All of these packaged snacks are under 200 calories and offer well balanced macros. There’s a variety of something for everyone whatever your nutrition plan is from packaged snacks under 200 calories to fresh, unprocessed options.

What’s a healthy snack under 200 calories for on the go snack that will survive not being refrigerated or crushed in your bag?

Finding healthy, packaged snacks under 200 calories for on the go can be hard. Especially ones that won’t spoil, melt or crumble in your bag, that don’t require silverware, refrigeration or heating up. As well as being actually healthy not deceptively healthy; granola bars and fruit smoothies I’m talking about you.

I’ve listed my favorite easy and healthy under 200 calorie healthy snacks on the go to throw in your bag, take to the airport, on school runs, and the office to avoid hangry times.

packaged snacks under 200 calories healthy breakfast on the go Tasty pastry blonde female model

They’re not all perfect but they’re better than most options we end up with when we’re not prepared.

Most of the pre-packaged snacks on the list are under 200 calories. The one’s you make yourself will depend on the portion size you serve yourself.

packaged snacks under 200 calories healthy Quest Protein Bar box S’mores

Top 11 healthy, easy and tasty packaged snacks under 200 calories | On the go snack ideas

If you prefer to listen than to watch or read, here’s the best under 200 calorie healthy snacks podcast episode as a Vlog this week and it’s under 10 minutes long.

I’m a complete snacker. Years of bodybuilding and competing got me into the habit of eating 6 times a day and my metabolism got used to that.

I’m also normally on the road traveling a lot for work. So I’m used to having something in my bag ready to snack on. Too many delayed flights that left me landing too late to find anywhere to eat or hangry mid-flight taught me always to have something at hand.

These are some of my favorite nutritious easy packaged snacks under 200 calories for on the go. I’ve listed these snacks, as I find they’re the healthiest options that don’t taste like cardboard, smell the least, taste good, and will leave you feeling good.

What are nutritious snacks?

We all have very different ideas of healthy and nutritious and follow different eating styles and habits. Whether that’s Keto, vegan, plant based, high protein, intermittent fasting, or Mom on the go, I’ve included something for everyone.

This healthy snack list is built around the concept of balanced macros, not too high in fat or protein. I kept the healthy snacks under 200 calories as it’s a snack not a meal and tried to avoid just empty calories. Some of the snacks are higher carb and others are higher protein or higher in fat, so there’s something for everyone’s nutritional preferences.

200 calories healthy snacks Legendary foods tasty pastries blonde blogger kitchen

Healthy raw & packaged snacks under 200 calories for on the go

  1. Packaged snacks under 200 calories: Whole food or protein bars like Quest Bars

    I love the variety Quest bars offers and these packaged snacks are under 200 calories. My personal favorites are:
    Quest Protein Bar S’mores 20g protein
    White Choc and Raspberry Quest Bar $20.99

    Quest Bars work as a healthy breakfast snack on the go or afternoon treat. They’re gluten-free and their protein content ranges from 20-5g protein depending on the flavor, 180-220 calories, 4-5 g net carbs, 1 g sugar, 14-15 g fiber, fat 6-8 g.

    Quest has a lot of recipes on their site like this Lemon Quest Bar Scone Recipe which would make a great healthier sweet treat option for the car or when you want a portable snack. Kids will love it too.

    Pro Quest Bar tip: If you find these chewy or if you’ve kept them too long and you’re close to a microwave, pop them in a dish or piece of paper towel/napkin and microwave for 10-15 seconds. They go all gooey, soft and warm.

  2. Under 200 calorie healthy snacks | Fruit, fruit cup, raw vegetables

    If you’ve packed these yourself before you left the house, fruit will last pretty well through Fall and Winter. However, in the Summer you might want to have them as a healthy breakfast snack on the go, eat them by lunch time or switch to another option.

    Bananas tend to bruise easily so try to keep them at the top of your bag. If you’ve packed a fruit salad, make sure it’s in a leak proof container. The Tupperware that seems great at home, often don’t seal quite as well as we think when they’re joggled around in our handbags.

    What’s great about fruit as a healthy snack option is that it’s available pretty much anywhere: gas stations, airport convenience stands, coffee shops like Starbucks and grocery stores.

  3. Meal replacement shake

    I prefer carrying around the individual sachets and an empty protein shaker rather than the pre-mixed ones. These are great anytime of the day and if there’s enough calories can even make a great healthy breakfast on the go.

    It’s lighter to carry around and you can just mix it with water whenever you pick up your next bottle of water or refill your Hydro flask. It also means it doesn’t need refrigerating.

  4. Make your own protein bar

    You can either make one like the one above or try this DIY protein bar recipe from that you can customize to be the flavor you want. Throw in any additions you want too, like collagen, spirulina, chorella, seeds, dried fruit, etc.

    I’d suggest skipping the chocolate coating so you don’t have a melted mess on your hands and to save some sugar and fat calories.

  5. Raw unsalted nuts and seeds

    So many brands make individual size packets to grab and go which keeps portion size under control. The unsalted variety are not only healthier: lower sodium and lower fat but less messy.

    Since unsalted nuts aren’t roasted in oils, your hands get less greasy eating them which makes them way easier to eat traveling or running errands.

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  6. Make your own trail mix

    This doesn’t need much explanation! Stick to unsalted, un roasted nuts, seeds and mini pretzels if you’re craving something salty and skip the chocolate or yogurt coated extras. Throw in individual ziplock bags and you’re good to go!

  7. Dried/freeze dried fruit An easy healthy snack on the go. They’re high in fiber so if you have certain issues when you travel these might help you out.

  8. Kale Chips

  9. Seaweed Chips

  10. Rice cakes or any flavor

    The individual bags make it easy to grab and go. Throw them at the top of you bag to try and prevent them getting crushed as much as possible.

    Or for a less smelly option, since rice cakes have a weird smell to me, make some home made oatcakes. Get my Mums healthy gluten-free oatcake recipe that she handed down to me.

  11. Pre packaged 200 calorie healthy snacks | Legendary Foods Tasty Pastries

    Another packaged snack under 200 calories. While I wouldn’t class these as healthy, they do stack up much healthier than their counterparts and are healthier than most other options for a healthy breakfast snack on the go. These packaged snacks under 200 calories come in 3 flavors and they keep bringing out more: strawberry, cinnamon and birthday cake flavors. You can eat them cold, straight out of the packet on the go but they’re better hot if you have the option to heat them.

    They heat up quickly, so don’t burn your mouth. I’d also recommend a microwave over the toaster so make less mess. They’re also one of the easiest, mess-free healthy breakfast snacks on the go.

    Legendary Foods Tasty Pastry $24.99 for 10

    Tasty Pastry nutrition: 9g Protein, 3g Net Carbs, <1g Sugar, 8g fiber, 170 Calories, 13g Fat. Here’s how they stack up against regular iced toaster pastries.

Regular toaster pastry VS Legendary Foods Tasty Pastry Nutrition Comparison

healthy breakfast snacks under 200 calories Toaster pastry nutrition low carb

Other healthy snacks under 200 calories

There are other healthy on the go snacks I grab when I’m out like hard boiled eggs and greek yogurt from the airport shops but I haven’t added them as you can’t really carry them around with you. They’re more of an instant fix.

Low Calorie Snacks

If you’re looking for more snack ideas or low-calories foods for breakfast, lunch and dinner, to help keep your nutrition clean and healthy here are another 35 Low-Calorie Nutritious Foods from Fitness Volt.

What are your favorite and nutritious packaged snacks under 200 calories for on the go? I know healthy breakfast snacks on the go are really hard and can be limited so share yours with us in the comments below or tag me on social media @glamourandgains

Blonde fitness blogger Eve Dawes walking airport Starbucks coffee

Get more healthy eating tips

I’ve been traveling for work for over 20 years and this is how I stay on track of my health, fitness, and weight while on the road for work.

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