Product Gifting Policy

Please take time to read these Ts&Cs! I take great pride in my work, client and reader relations, and the quality and authenticity of this blog. These T & C’s are to ensure all parties are treated fairly and with full disclosure.

A gift is a gift and no demands may be placed unless a fee is paid. As soon as demands are made it becomes sponsored content (please see below). 

Terms & Conditions on offers of gifted items

If you would like to offer me a PR product, sample or service (“Product Gifting”), whether for inclusion in my post, a review, or on social media, my Product Gifting Policy is as follows:

  • No date demands may be placed. I reserve the right to decide if and when to feature a PR sample/gifted product/service on any platform. By sending the items to me you agree that I am under no obligation to feature them* 
  • I try to feature all gifted items I truly believe in, so this does not mean I won’t feature gifted products, it means I can’t make guarantees and ’m not being held accountable to a brief or being asked for specifics.
  • I may or may not post about the item in whatever context (blog or social media platform) I see as fit and within my own time frame.
  • A collaboration that requires guaranteed blog/social media exposure and/or any specific requests (e.g specific keywords, hashtags or links) is considered sponsored content and therefore chargeable. See below. I have to declare those items as earnings if guaranteed coverage is requested and they then become taxable.
  • If a gifted product appears on any platform or post they will be clearly disclosed as a PR product/ gifted item or service.
  • Any and all links included in a blog post or on social media will be “no follow” or “sponsored”. This is in accordance with Google’s guidelines about paid links, whether “payment” was via a gifted item/service or monetary compensation. Please click here to learn more.
  • If I find the items unsuitable/by sending anything to me you agree that any returns or collections will be at your own expense.
  • If you are sending any items to me from abroad you agree that I am not liable for any tax or customs duties/import fees and they will be at your own expense.
  • Unboxing or any similar requests fall under ‘sponsored posts’. 
  • If I genuinely like the product I will feature it and/or where applicable give it an honest review once I’ve had time to actually try it and see if it works.
  • All the terms above still apply for none requested and non approved gifted product(s) or samples.
  • Please understand that I am VERY likely to feature your product if I accept it as I only accept a items that I’d actually like to wear/try. 
  • No obligation and no demands does not mean I won’t feature it! It means I am not obligated to any demands when other brands have paid me a fee to do so.

Sponsored mentions and post inclusions

If you’re wishing to add negotiables e.g. publication dates, hashtags, brand name mentions, etc to your gifting this becomes sponsored content. The fee quoted will vary depending on the deliverables required.

For quotes please email a detailed brief including specifics of the contract and your budget where appropriate to and I’ll respond with my quote if we’re a good fit.