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How I Lean Out & Get Swimsuit Ready in 2 weeks

How I Lean Out & Get Swimsuit Ready in 2 weeks

how lean out fast fitness model tips

Last Updated on June 30, 2022 by

Healthy Ways To Lean Out

How to lean out in 2 weeks and lose weight safely without any crazy diets, juices or deprivation. My 2 week bikini diet to lean out started July 5th for me (I wasn’t going to miss July 4th celebrations). The thought of a swimsuit terrified me a month ago and forced me to take action. I’m never one to endorse diets but endorse a healthy lifestyle instead but sometimes the 80:20 balance I aim for goes out of whack. Here’s how I lean out in 2 weeks with nothing drastic, staying healthy and being safe. It just meant saying goodbye to a few of my favorites for a couple of weeks (or 17 days to be exact). So it’s not really a swimsuit diet but a clean up act.

Eve Dawes after 2 week lean out diet bikini pool

Wine and bad habits seem more fun and suddenly the scales aren’t my friend and my clothes are a little snug. It takes my swimwear taunting me and a vacation quickly approaching to force me into action and to clean up my act, literally.

As soon as July 5th hit, the wine and martini glasses went away and disciplined Eve came out of hiding. When it comes to getting leaner and more toned quickly, I always clean up my nutrition and add some supplements in but don’t skip meals or macros.

Normally I’d lift more but I pulled my chest muscles doing seated rows and pull ups so cardio had to be my only source of exercise. So let’s get down to specifics from how to lean out and lose weight safely in 2 weeks. As well as how I tackled toning from the inside out and outside in without doing anything unhealthy or drastic.

how lean out 2 weeks fitness model Eve Dawes

Always consult a doctor before starting a new diet, exercise or supplement plan. This information does not replace the advice of your health care providers, doctors, personal trainers or nutritionists.

How to lean out in 2 weeks

Nutrition | The Clean Up Act to Lean Out and Detox

When it comes to how to lean out in 2 weeks and lose weight safely during your swimsuit diet it starts with what you’re fueling your body with. I’m normally pretty healthily at home. My normal everyday diet is still to weigh my breakfast, lunch and dinner, and have a healthy afternoon snack (all habits from my WBFF Pro Diva days), an evening treat and couple of glasses of wine. Then we’ll eat out a couple of times a week.

Through and after covid, my husband and I developed the habit of a pre-dinner cocktail and wine with dinner, larger and unhealthier evening treats, daily nibbles on chocolate and eating out more crept in and stayed in. It was fun, delicious and addictive.

The problem was that I was a year later I was feeling rubbish about myself and how I looked. I know that might sound superficial but when you’ve set the bar so high through a lifetime of ballet, being a personal trainer and competitive athlete you don’t feel like your body is a mirror of your soul when you’re not in the shape you’re used to seeing yourself.

I’ve always found it hard to see my true size in the mirror. It’s an odd body dysmorphia but I can see myself more accurately in photos which is why photo check-ins work better for me than the scales or mirror. If that’s you, find out a way of measuring yourself that’s accurate not skewed by your mind. Whether that’s a tape measure, photos, mirror, BMI scales (as we all know muscle weighs more than fat).

how lose weight safely swimsuit diet fitness model Eve Dawes Glamour Gains

Example of my daily nutrition during my 2 week bikini diet

To lose weight safely, you need to fuel your body not starve your body but fuel it like you would your car and not fill it with junk.

Breakfast: 3/4 cup egg whites, 1/4 cup oats, 1 tsp almond butter, 1/3 grapefruit

Meal 2: 1 head broccoli, 1/4 cup rice, 3 oz chicken or tilapia, 1 tbsp sauce (eg hoisin, marinara – nothing creamy).

Meal 3: 3 oz chicken or tilapia (normally a quest bar or protein shake).

Meal 4: 2 large zucchini grilled, 3 oz chicken or tilapia, 1 tbsp sauce (eg hoisin, marinara – nothing creamy).

Meal 5: 3 oz chicken or tilapia with sugar free ketchup

1 week out:

  • No sugar free syrup (which I love in my coffee).
  • Replaced almond butter with 1 tsp flax oil.

What got cut out during my swimsuit diet

I don’t really eat wheat or dairy except when I’m out and then all bets are off! Carrot cake, nachos, mayo…I love it all. Since we weren’t eating out this was easy as I don’t keep it at home anyway.

I also cut out all of the unhealthy snacks that had been creeping in, alcohol, desserts and anything processed. Gum, sugar-free gum and diet-sodas weren’t part of this plan either but I rarely have them anyway. I did drink on 3 occasions but 1-2 glasses only. This isn’t a deprivation lean out diet but moderation and detoxing.

how lean out 2 weeks bikini diet health fitness expert Glamour Gains swimwear

Lean Out Diet Supplements

Morning Supplements

Before breakfast:

  • Glutamine
  • Liquid Biotin and Collagen
  • Liver Cleanse to help detoxify and maximize the benefits of taking a break from alcohol.
  • Digestive bitters. These help when you’re increasing the amount of vegetables you’re eating, especially cruciferous ones.

After breakfast:

  • Optiwomen multi-vitamin

Evening Supplements

30 minutes before bed

See Also
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  • Magnesium
  • Zinc
  • Calcium

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Workouts | Lean Out Phase

I rarely change my workout quantity or duration. The only changes I make when I’m trying to lean out are the intensity, type of workout, timing, reps and sets to keep my body guessing. I pulled some chest muscles before starting this lean out phase so didn’t lift at all during this time.

My cardio stayed pretty much the same: 35 minutes, 6 x per week. The only thing I got stricter about was doing it fasted every time and taking a pre workout beforehand. I personally love EHP labs Oxyshred (mango flavor) as it doesn’t give me the jitters or crashes and tastes amazing. I also kept the intensity high; normally with a Peloton interval or power cycling class, which I also play when I’m using the cross-trainer or stepper as it makes the time go so much faster.

I’ve been lazy and skipping abs recently, so I added hanging 3 x 20 ab raisers and bicycles in 2-3x per week.

Simple, fast and effective. There’s no need to spend hours in the gym. This is the same amount of cardio I did for all of my bodybuilding competitions and pageants. I was just lifting twice a week then as well. It’s about working smarter not harder when it comes to losing weight safely.

Extras to Lean Out Safely and Healthily During Your 2 Week Swimsuit Diet

Infrared Sauna

I’m lucky as we have an infrared sauna at home. I find it hard to sweat but after 20 minutes in here I’d get my glow on to sweat as much as possible, detox, improve my circulation and help my muscles recover.

Neoprene Waist Wrap and Beauty Bum

I was introduced to this combo back in 2012 when I first started doing bodybuilding competitions and have stuck with it ever since. This combination provides the best sweat and tightening effect. Weight and/or fat loss can come with loose skin, this combination helps keep everything tight. Beauty Bum anti cellulite cream’s actually designed for your butt and thighs but I use it on my stomach.

The sweat wrap is designed to enhance sweating so make sure you stay well hydrated.

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To be honest, I fully expect the fluff to go back on during vacation as I’ll definitely be enjoying all of the food and drink. But at least it gives me a few days of feeling more confident in swimwear and a few pounds wiggle room to indulge. As after all, romantic dinners and fun cocktails are all part of the vacation.

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