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Ultimate guide on how to keep hair blonde & healthy | Top tips

Ultimate guide on how to keep hair blonde & healthy | Top tips

how keep hair blonde beauty blogger eve dawes sat

Last Updated on October 30, 2023 by Eve Dawes

5 tips for busting brassiness with these cruelty-free blonde hair hacks

How to keep hair blonde and healthy is one of those missions most blondes whether natural or dyed are on. I know I’m not the only one whose hair likes to go brassy on its own accord a couple of weeks after having it done but I refuse to be beaten. Whatever shade of blonde you are from dirty to platinum blonde hair, natural or dyed these are my top tips for how to keep your hair blonde, how to keep blonde hair healthy and fresh and how to keep blonde hair from turning brassy.

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How to keep blonde hair blonde

These are my favorite cruelty-free beauty tips for keeping hair blonde that I’ve found work best at brightening my hair. As well as how to keep blonde hair from turning brassy while keeping it healthy. I’m sharing the:

  • Best cruelty-free shampoo for blonde hair and other haircare products
  • Cheats for making it look blonder and for hiding dark roots.
  • Hack for making blonde hair look lighter in photos without hitting the bleach!

Bye dull hair!

Top tips for how to keep your hair looking blonde

Follow these simple, quick and easy tips for keeping your hair blonde and bright rather than brassy in between your salon visits.

Use a purple shampoo and conditioner designed for blonde hair

This is one of the best ways for preventing blonde hair from turning brassy. You could use this every wash but I prefer to use it every other wash and alternate between this and Olaplex to help prevent breakage.

Otherwise it can start to look grey or too ashy. If you’re platinum blonde be careful not to leave purple shampoos and conditioners on too long to prevent your hair turning purple temporarily.

purple shampoo cool blonde hair dphue

I’ve used a few different ones and they all seem to be around a similar price. I keep coming back to dpHue Cool Blonde Shampoo and dpHue Cool Blonde Conditioner which are both best sellers because my hair seems to get less tangled with it. It has silk proteins to help with breakage as dyed blonde hair tends to be more fragile and the ends like to snap.

healthy long blonde hair tips

So if you’re also trying to keep your blonde hair healthy, I’ve found this purple shampoo for blonde hair works the best, is free of sulfates which means you can use it on extensions, SLS, SLES, parabens and phthalates and is also cruelty-free.

Both the purple shampoo and conditioner have violet pigments that neutralize yellow and brassy tones and also prevent color fading. If you’re an eco-warrior you’ll be happy to know it comes in recyclable packaging.

If you’re a fan of Olaplex, I like their purple blonde toning shampoo too.

Tip: If you’re platinum don’t leave the purple shampoo or conditioner on too long or you’ll end up with pastel violet blonde hair.

how rid static hair blonde beauty blogger Eve Dawes

2. Use purple color enhancing drops to keep hair blonde

There probably are other brands that make something like this but I tend to get most of my beauty products from Sephora, Amazon or Revolve online. It’s easy just to grab everything from there and make the most of the free shipping.

blonde hair purple toning drops IGK

These are the ones I use and I’ve had the bottle for over 3 years as you only use 1-4 drops. I use 4 because I have a lot of hair and want it as blonde as possible. If you’re platinum blonde, play around with how many drops you need as lighter blonde hair tends to be more porous and grab more color.

IGK Mixed Feelings Leave-In Blonde Drops

how keep hair Blonde Eve Dawes animal print dress black leather jacket

3. Try using blonde dry shampoo

Not only is this great for making your hair last an extra day but it also doubles up for hiding roots. Use it on your parting and hairline to hide roots or all over to sneak an extra day of not washing it in.

I use this one from Amazon, you only need to buy the applicator version once and then you can just get refills. The applicator has a wide brush to make it easy to apply and I prefer it to choking on a dry shampoo spray or a white version which can make hair look grey or dull.

Ambiance Dry Shampoo (Blonde)| Amazon

This dry shampoo also adds volume which is normally needed if I’m using it to avoid washing it. It’s also cruelty-free, alcohol-free, and there are no parabens, preservatives, sulfates or GMOs.

I like that it’s an all natural, vegan formula and I can easily throw it in my gym bag or hand luggage as it’s not an aerosol. It can make hair a bit sticky, so it’s more of a last day before washing it or hair up day product.

See Also
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healthy platinum Blonde hair Eve Dawes

4. How to keep blonde hair healthy

One cheat I have for not just how to keep your hair blonde but for keeping blonde hair healthy is to wear hair extensions that are blonder than your real hair. My fab hairdresser Vicki Casciola (I love this woman, she’s taken my hair from fried to longer, blonder and healthier and is so ridiculously talented) has me hooked on Hotheads® Hair Extensions tape in extensions.

I don’t have them all the time but when I want that blunt cut look or to go lighter we throw in a few lighter, ashy pieces rather than going platinum blonde with my own locks.

They’re made of human hair and applied without tools or heat so they don’t damage your hair. Plus, she puts them in in about 20 minutes so I’m not sat in the chair for hours that I don’t have.

healthy long Blonde hair woman pink dress soft curls

5. Cheat – How to make hair look blonder using Adobe Lightroom Photo Editor App

This is my favorite hack that’s free and great for photos. Super quick and easy:

  • Download the app

  • Upload your photo

  • Click on color in the menu at the bottom

  • Click on mix, select yellow and then pull down the saturation and increase the luminance

  • Done!

  • If you’re using the web version you can use the hair selection tool.

Just make sure there’s nothing else yellow in the photo, using a color mask or keep an eye on it when you’re editing to make sure everything still looks right.

Blonde hair looking more dull before Lightroom
Hair looking more dull before Lightroom
Platinum blonde hair blonder brighter Lightroom editingHair blonder and brighter after Lightroom

Other tips on how to keep hair blonde

Obviously avoiding the sun, chlorine and washing it too much will also help, as well as ending with a cold rinse if you can face it (not happening for me unless it’s 100° out).

Blonde hair fitness model Eve Dawes photoshoot

More hair care and cruelty free beauty tips


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